Looking forward to more episodes!

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I suspect there will be birds!

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Gorgeous, Bryan! Perfect for the times. And the background noise really did make it special. I always knew you were a poet at heart. xo

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This is so very kind of you, my dear Kristen, and more than I deserve from one of my favorite poets in the whole, wide world. I suspect that poem violates some rules of prose or poetry I do not know. And I suspect I shall revise this poem accordingly for — oh, I dunno — four years or so. :-)

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There are no rules--"poetic license" remember? I love it as it is. Since I posted that comment, I listened to Erica's podcast in which you take her birding and it was so so lovely. I took notes! It reminded me why you are this poet's favorite nature guide. And also that I really want to visit a bog with you again!

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Oh, right! And I cannot wait to claim "poetic license" in the future! 😀 Bog anytime!

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Bryan, thank you for finding beauty and sound in the woods, and for sharing it with us.

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I admit it: I had fun making this.

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Wonderful. Timely. We need to overwhelm “greedy leaders” (thank you George Harrison) with grace.

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Wouldn't it be nice to overwhelm with poetry and songbirds?

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Lovely piece, Bryan. Your voice alone always heartens me.

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You've made my day, Trish. Thanks.

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Just what I needed this morning... A modcast!. The sounds of Vermont bring me happiness. Can't wait for more!

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Yes, because perhaps you're far away from home in Vermont?

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Yep, on the road.....Colorado is not a too far-from-Vermont alternative!

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Thank you. This was beautiful. Also, the "Bird Man" episode of Rumble Strip - it really captures your deep love and connection of wild places...and it also captures the awe and wonder of someone new to seeing the world as well. It's just gorgeous.

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Thanks, Dan. This is so kind of you. And yeah, you know well the awe and wonder of being out there in wild places. And Erica captures that part of human nature so well -- it's in her nature!

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Thanks Bryan. I don’t always listen to audio but I did to yours today. I cried at the very end. I need to go to the woods… I prefer your rendition of Inauguration Day over all the others I’ve been trying to pay less attention to. Thanks for calling out David Perry. His bluebird moments were thrilling! I’ll check out your other friend’s podcast, sounds like something worth paying attention to.

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Thanks, Gale -- that means a lot to me. And, yeah, we're bombarded with audio and video and printed words all day long. I'm hoping not to add too much to the fire hose, but just enough if folks have the time and inclinations to listen.

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A beautiful poem and oath. I will carry this with me as I grieve and gather strength.

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Coming from you, MK, this is truly a gift. Thanks so much. And I'll take it upon myself, for the folks reading comments here, to point out your way of experiencing the world in poetry: https://asmallspectacle.substack.com/

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I love your poem! I cannot believe you are a poet in addition to your myriad other skills. It is hard to keep up with you, but I appreciate the inspiration you provide to keep adapting and improving. I think we all need to follow your example and find creative ways to support each other and nature in 2025.

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So kind of you, Bill. But you've already succeeded in 2025 as inspiration for me!

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With tears filling my eyes I thank you.

In nature there IS hope.

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Agreed. Apart from one another, and the good things we create, nature is indeed a genuine hope. Thanks, Sue.

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Thanks for this Bryan, so great to hear your voice - and the sound of the Brook absolutely contributed.

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I prefer the brook to my voice!

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Please, nature and humanity and politics out. Noise of nature is what we need. The other kind many of us have turned off.

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I'll be sparing and judicious on the politics, Ralph. Thanks!

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How about writing a new PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE? Planet allegiance?

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It's now on my list of ideas!

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It’s so nice to hear your voice! I love your new venture!

Nature can be so healing and give us so much strength (and a reason) to carry on. Hoping more people will discover this and work towards repair instead of destruction. We need all the help we can get!

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It's a bit odd to hear my own voice in podcastosphere! 😀

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Your poem is wise, albeit about grief unspeakable. I counsel myself to love all whom I love, humans of course but all who live, and that is good and necessary. It is however not enough, and I do not know what would be.

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