deletedNov 1, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer
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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023Author

Wonderful. Garlic = Oats = Love! The world needs more of that right now.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer

Definitely gonna make time to drive down and see the snow geese!

Shamefully, I forgot!

The perfect example of remembering to ‘step away’ from my own mind full of nonsensical important tasks and go feel and see the momentary beauty of the fleeing season.

Thank you for rattling my brain.

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Thanks, Lor. At some point we might also consider what we WON'T do when we give up an hour in springtime! 😉😀

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Lovely post. Thanks Bryan.

It is my privilege to live largely without a clock now that I am mostly retired. i wake and sleep when it pleases me and adjust daily based on weather and whim.

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And oh how wonderful to not even know what day it is!

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Lovely essay. I will be looking for my first-of-season winter wren.

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Thanks, Julia. And those Winter Wrens will indeed be wintering across much of the eastern U.S. We're so fortunate to have them — and their plucky spirit.

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I'll be out in the wild grabbing every minute I can... beautiful post... as usual.

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Can't go wrong "out in the wild!"

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Probably the best thing I’ve ever read about Daylight Savings! I loathe it deep in my marrow, but this is entirely because I have kids and the spring time change has been miserable for 16 years.

I was already planning on going hunting this Sunday, but will now be doing it with an entirely different attitude and perspective about that time in the woods and its relationship to the clock left behind at home. 💚

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Thanks, Nia! You know, there's another angle here that I suspect you and others would appreciate (and lament). When I wrote this for The Globe, many of the reader comments broke into soft-core tribalism — for or against daylight savings. Even a somewhat whimsical essay on my part elicited that kind of division. But let's hope that our biggest divisions over this ultimately amount to not much more than those of parenting! 😁

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Good lord. It’s always something! To bring as wide a heart as possible to this, I think far too many people are so drained and stretched and worried right now, for an unimaginable number of reasons, that they’d just like one break. That’s where we see so much of the frustration and exhaustion fall on things that seem small. I kind of feel like that, you know? I’d just like the clocks to stop changing—I don’t care which direction we choose, just to stop changing—so I don’t have to manage extra-exhausted kids for that one week every year. I’d like to much more than that, but I suspect a lot of people fall into that, feeling desperate over wanting one small thing that makes their life that iota less difficult. If only all the problems we have were like that!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer

"Finite, scarce, and arbitrary, time now passes so easily from lives of infinite distraction."

Rarely do I read a sentence as beautifully written.

I, however, will be down here blissfully in Mexico where we have recently ceased this idiotic practice and time is of a different nature to begin with.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer

That was actually your's truly, Richard Fink, with the above comment.

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No matter who wrote it, I miss you both! "¡Que te vaya bien!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer

I will be looking in the weeds and leaves and the bits of trees giving back to the soil. There I may find some odd life forms that prove to me that life is never boring.

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I'll also be poking around the little stuff! Thanks, Sue!

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I love this idea! And you’ve inspired me to do the same 🌞 It’s so easy to forget that time is a construct. And I can’t resist sharing my essay (from almost a year ago!) on that mind-bending topic: https://kenshostudio.substack.com/p/measuring-the-infinite

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Bending minds and bending time! Thanks for that essay.

"Time is malleable. We sculpt it to fit our needs, we organize it according to our values. This doesn’t just happen on a collective level, but is also reflected in our individual lives. What we do with it, whom we share it with, what we’re willing to exchange for it – time is a powerful choice. My wish for this year is that we cherish our time, however we define it."

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So glad to spend my time with your insights and words Bryan 💚🌿

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer

I cannot decide right now, but it's a whole new present. Thanks.

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I'll wager you'll be birding!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer

This is just delightfully rogue and also very wise.

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Nature itself is rogue!

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On February 29, we have a whole EXTRA wild DAY!!!!!!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer

Last night a monarch emerged from a chrysalis unseen on the backside of a houseplant leaf brought back indoors from its summer vacation. It looks rather stunned but did crawl onto my hand. It spent the night in a cool room and I didn't put it out until the sun had been up a few hours shining on stragglers of zinnias. Not sure if in this 50 degree weather if it will survive, but I'm hoping. Isn't it too late to emerge just shy of November 1st?

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It's late -- but not too late. These stragglers may not make it to Mexico. It depends on the location from which they begin the journey. I've seen Monarchs as late as early December on the Maine coast — there's fairly good evidence that those don't make it. But, you know, success with Monarchs falls on a bell curve. Yours isn't off the curve just yet!

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer

Thank you. I am hopeful. Monarchs have manifested after our daughter's death and have special meaning in my life. That one should ""hatch?" in the house and crawl onto my hand, well, let's just say, it was something!

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Yes, of course -- it was indeed something. It absolutely has meaning. Deep meaning. 🙏

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer

A couple-three years ago I decided to ignore Daylight Saving Time altogether and refused to set my clocks forward in spring. Since then all my timekeeping devices—other than those that automatically reset themselves back and forward—display what I call “sun time.” (Until fall, whenever DST rears its ridiculous head, it’s easy enough just do the math.) Eventually all other clocks will fall in line, albeit temporarily.

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023Author

You're like the old Vermont farmers (probably Maine farmers as well) who pay no attention to such temporal trivialities! 😀 (Odie sends regards to The Captain!)

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This is awesome. I've been cashing in my extra hour since I was 18 when I decided it was a shame to sleep that hour away. I'll probably spend it at my easel, but I usually decide in the moment. Enjoy yours!

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Yay! Yeah, I'll probably decide in the moment this year as well. (Maybe I'll document in detail what I find in that hour and write about it next week.)

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Oooo, I like that idea!

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer

Thank you for that affirmation. It means a lot.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Bryan Pfeiffer

Beautiful photos!

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