This is a gull. Not a “seagull” because gulls fly nearly anywhere, including garbage dumps, parking lots, farm fields and not too far from the earth’s poles. They have the audacity to eat anything from French fries to live whale.
Yes. I have seen shorebirds standing on trees in Alaska. Perhaps it is safer? I guess insects are similar to crustaceans that other gulls eat. But I would like to see these gulls feeding... do the catch insects as they fly?
Yeah, I've seen Bonaparte's Gulls circling and apparently catching insects on the wing. They'll also pluck them from the water's surface. (During my lep and ode trip to Hudson Bay [James Bay] last summer, the Solitary Sandpipers and Greater Yellowlegs were in trees -- shocking!)
Yes. I have seen shorebirds standing on trees in Alaska. Perhaps it is safer? I guess insects are similar to crustaceans that other gulls eat. But I would like to see these gulls feeding... do the catch insects as they fly?
Yeah, I've seen Bonaparte's Gulls circling and apparently catching insects on the wing. They'll also pluck them from the water's surface. (During my lep and ode trip to Hudson Bay [James Bay] last summer, the Solitary Sandpipers and Greater Yellowlegs were in trees -- shocking!)
Yes, the ones I saw in trees were the greater yellowlegs... I look forward to your reports from James Bay observations, ruminations...