GO WILD is a suite of extra benefits for paying subscribers. It includes video seminars, wildlife maps, and occasional Substack chats with Bryan and the Chasing Nature community. Thanks for being here.
Watch Bryan’s seminars and lectures at your leisure. Newly posted: Butterflies. Also find links to my Practical Nature Photography seminar and my Getting Gulls lecture (yeah, gull enjoyment — it’ll change your life). Coming in the future: butterflies, sparrow, and other flying things; maybe a nature writing workshop.
Maps and other resources for finding seasonal highlight birds and other wild ideas featured on Chasing Nature.
Some of Bryan’s favorite books, optics, downloads, and other tools for nature study and enjoyment.Every essay indexed by organism and idea. (This one’s available to everyone.)
All but the last two of these benefits are available only to Chasing Nature’s paying subscribers.
Join our community or upgrade your subscription for access. Thanks!