If you’d rather hear some of the nature-chasing on Chasing Nature, below are various narrated posts, interviews, and other audio features. Thanks for listening.

Podcast Interview: “Bird Man” – Rumble Strip

  • A birdwatching outing with the phenomenal Erica Heilman, whose podcast Rumble Strip won a Peabody award and was named number one podcast by The New Yorker and The Atlantic (among many other tributes). In this episode, Erica and I go birdwatching and talk about stuff (including how I’d be okay with dying in a bog). Listen »

Interview: “Chasing Nature, Chasing Hope” – September 2024

  • A wide-ranging discussion about conservation, joy, writing (and even capitalism and my simple philosophy on life) published in the new online magazine From the Ground Up. Read or listen »

A Butterfly is a Place – 30 August 2024

  • My essay and narration about how little brown butterflies can embody big ideas in nature, especially place. Read or listen »

My Fading Serenade – 30 June 2024

  • Songbird decline — and my own decline. My essay about aging as a field biologist. Read or listen »

Radio Feature: Migrating Dragonflies – 18 September 2018

  • Vermont Public’s Outdoor Radio program featured me discussing one of the most ambitious animals on Earth: a migratory dragonfly called Wandering Glider (Pantala flavescens). Listen »

Radio Feature: Don’t Call them Seagulls – 17 January 2018

  • Once again, I join the Outdoor Radio for an adventure among gulls at a local composting outfit. Listen »

More audio is on the way …